Modern Slavery Statement
Your Choice Cover Ltd remains committed to addressing modern slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking in all its forms, and to carrying out our business in a fair, honest, ethical and open manner.
As required by the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”), this statement describes the steps that the Your Choice Cover Ltd is taking to prevent modern slavery from taking place in our own business and within our supply chains.
Your Choice Cover Ltd Policies
Our employees continue to be subject to, and benefit from, a wide range of policies including, disciplinary, grievance, non-discrimination, remuneration and numerous compliance policies. The policies and frameworks that we have in place limit the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in the workplace and encourage all staff to work and act ethically.
Our policies also reflect our commitments to pay employees fairly and properly for their work, act with integrity and ethically in all of our relationships and to corroborate the same level of commitment within our supply base.
Our employees and suppliers are encouraged to speak out should they encounter any wrongdoing, including any concerns in respect of modern slavery. They are further supported by the Group’s Whistleblowing policy which provides a number of channels for concerns to be reported confidentially with appropriate action taken.